Amayeza is an independent medicine information centre that aims to provide reliable, accurate, objective, and up-to-date information on medicines to pharmacists and other health care professionals across South Africa.
Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and our National Drug program have recognised the important role that medicine information, and more specifically, an independent medicine information centre, plays in enabling pharmacists and other health professionals to act professionally for the benefit of the patient.

Amayeza is well-positioned to address the need for accurate medicine information, both locally and internationally because of:
Amayeza Info Services is not sponsored by Government, the pharmaceutical industry or the managed care/medical scheme industry and takes pride in being an independent and professional source of current, accurate and reliable information on medicines.
Amayeza is staffed by pharmacists specifically trained according to international requirements for a medicine information service to provide a world-class service to its clients. Through its standard operating procedures, all work undertaken in the centre is peer reviewed.
We have our own Amayeza Info Software and every query is logged into a database capturing all the details of the query. If required, a written response can be provided, together with the relevant supporting references. All calls are recorded and are available for a period of 3 months from the date of recording.
Amayeza has up-to-date access to international medicine information resources such as Micromedex, Martindale, American Hospital Formulary Services (AHFS), WHO International Travel, United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information (USPDI), UpToDate, Natural Medicine and Cochrane databases to ensure that the information provided is always current.
The medicine information pharmacists at Amayeza have extensive experience in medicine information and pharmacovigilance. There are currently six Pharmacists, one of whom is a part time consultant, and one office administrator. All Pharmacists have been trained in Vaccinology and Immunization, and in Pharmacovigilance.
Amayeza also does extensive training of Health care Professionals on Immunisation and vaccines and has been doing so for the past 12 years. The course is CPD accredited.
Contact Amayeza to find out more:
Amayeza is a subscription-based service
Benefit from our up-to-date medicine information by becoming a subscriber of Amayeza Information Services on a monthly or yearly basis.